Have you ever? Original poem by Tsahai Arnett

Have you ever cried silent tears, the tears that are in the dark, the tears that leave a mark. Have you had a painful smile, the masked on smerk, the fakest smile that it hurts, Have you ever stood in the rain and didn't feel one drop, almost as if Gods love just stopped, Have you ever screamed and never been heard, trying to speak and not get out one single word. Have you ever lost your way in the light trying to move mountains with all your might. Have you ever got knocked down so hard that you won't get up because of the scars. Have you ever got to the end of a book to find the page missing from the story.... Is she dead, does the hero get the glory. Truth is there is no end to the story, it's not yet written. Through pain and turmoils, the sweat and blood through ever bad memory and every knock down, you keep bruising my ego, pride and trying to take my smile but there is no way in hell I'm going to let you break my crown!