It's been a while so let's update

So of course it's been a long time since this blog has been used and a lot has changed.  But that doesn't mean we can't catch up on music,  life,  lessons,  stories, accomplishments, etc. Since the last time I blogged my family grew from 7 kids to now 8....yes I have 8 children. I am heavy into my photography with my husband and we are doing very well with that building our clientele.  Please check us out at;
Music has been a constant in my family.
Londonland and Takiyah are still making great music, if you have soundcloud look them up if you don't download it now.
Other things to look out for is my oldest daughter creating her on web comic... Trust me you will love it.  I will provide a website for that when we get it completely together.
I know that was a vague update but there will be more to come.


Unknown said…
So loving my family. Do your thang Sissy
Unknown said…
So loving my family. Do your thang Sissy
Unknown said…
Thank you I shall

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